Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Alert,alert! Something new and hot is coming!

Now,as I told above there is something new and hot,which is my website.The reason I created my website is to expand my business,which is renting out books.A book only costs 50 sens/cents.But,we'll have to go through a process,which most common businesses have.We will have to register in my website.After that,you'll have to give a deposit of RM10.00 or RM20.00.A book of mine costs nearly RM10.00 so if I ask one of you for 50 sens/cents,then if you took a book and didn't gave it back,I am the one who loses.So if you give me a refundable deposit of RM 10.00 or RM20.00,I won't lose anything and you won't too.Get it,RM10.00 for one book at a time,RM20.00 for two books at a time.Just go to www.libraryinhouse.webs.com/ or click the following link.

 Click This!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Neopteron Info

There are three members in the Neopteron group.They are like large insects or wasps.There's the Vespoid,the Vespoid Queen and the Hornetaur.Lets start with the Vespoid.Vespoids are enormous,wasp-like insectoid with a poisonous stinger that paralyzes prey.Easily damaged,there are rarely any usable materials left to harvest from them once killed.Next, we shall talk about the Vespoid Queen.The Vespoid Queen has a massive thorax and brilliant,gigantic wings.It commands its subjects through unique flight patterns,and will stab any intruders with a poisonous stinger that also causes paralysis.It also spits acidic bodily fluid at its prey.Lastly,about the Hornetaur.Hornetaurs are Vespoid-like monsters with a thicker shell.Easily damaged,there are rarely any usable materials left to harvest from them once killed.But if you could sap their health gradually...                         

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1.Lynian Info
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Lynian Info

There are only two members in the Lynian group.They are the Felyne and Melynx.Lets talk about the Felyne first.Felynes are cat-like humanoids that are noted for their white fur.Felynes are quiet until angered,in which case they may attack.Capable of speech,they are sometimes found in the employ of human masters.Next,we shall talk about the Melynx.Melynx are cat-like humanoids with black fur.Their sticky-fingers never miss a chance to steal things and take them back to their den,forcing victims to seek out their lost items.Distracted by the sight of Felvine.

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1.Type of monsters
2.My most favourite game
3.Neopteron Info

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Type of monsters

As I had said,I would be giving more information about Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.Today,we are going to cover about the types of monsters.They are Lynian,Neopteron,Herbivores,Bird Wyvern,Flying Wyvern,Piscine Wyvern,Carapaceon,Pelagus and Elder Dragon.To know more about these types of monsters,I will publish more posts about these type of monsters.

You might also like:
1.My most favourite game
2.Type of monsters
3.Neopteron Info